Hi everyone, I'm sorry its been a while since I have updated this blog, things have been uber crazy in my life, but I have been podcasting away, and it has helped me vent, and share information. Firstly, how great was it to hear my son tell his story? I mean you guys have no idea how shy he is, and how much prodding it took him to say his peace, but I knew he would get in the rhythm and be as great as he was, what a great kid! Secondly....This emergency visit has me so rattled! Who knew about edema, and blood clots, or CIV being a post covid thing? well we do now. I'ts only Monday, and I was there on Saturday and I'm still freaking out.... I will feel better once I can actually have tele health visits with my doctors, and discuss what this means long term. This is my life now, doctors, doctors, doctors. I am done, mentally, physically, and emotionally DONE! Oh husband.... I love the man, but geeze louise, enough already. He is the biggest baby on ...
I survived COVID-19?