Hi everyone,

  I'm sorry its been a while since I have updated this blog, things have been uber crazy in my life, but I have been podcasting away, and it has helped me vent, and share information.

  Firstly, how great was it to hear my son tell his story? I mean you guys have no idea how shy he is, and how much prodding it took him to say his peace, but I knew he would get in the rhythm and be as great as he was, what a great kid!

  Secondly....This emergency visit has me so rattled! Who knew about edema, and blood clots, or CIV being a post covid thing? well we do now. I'ts only Monday, and I was there on Saturday and I'm still freaking out.... I will feel better once I can actually have tele health visits with my doctors, and discuss what this means long term. This is my life now, doctors, doctors, doctors. I am done, mentally, physically, and emotionally DONE!

   Oh husband.... I love the man, but geeze louise, enough already. He is the biggest baby on the planet. It is very hard to be ill or anything out of sorts with this one. He really steals all of the thunder. This covid diagnosis, and aftermath, has really put a strain on our marriage. I am just not having his,whatever his is anymore, and I am speaking up more, and fighting back. Since I have been sick, this has been so hard for me to do, because I just didn't have the energy to, and I think he got used to that Janice, not the strong, take no shit Janice, that I have been my entire life. He likes this Janice, because he gets his way ALL of the time, so narcissistic in every way possible! Boy my therapist gets an earful weekly. But seriously, things need to change, I am literally at my wits end. Have any of you experienced this in your partnerships, or marriages? It just seems impossible to convey how i'm feeling, without sounding whiney.

  I would love to hear about any of your experiences, or feedback regarding this or anything covid related.

Feel free to drop a comment, or a suggestion, or something informational, and I will relay it on my podcast. 

 If you would like to be a guest on my podcast, lets chat, and make it happen! All of my links are on my home page. or you can leave a message on my podcast page. Let's heal together.

                                                                        Janice  xo


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